
Posts Tagged ‘modesign’

mar20Here’s a list of favorites for this week!

I’ve always admired the work of Feaverish.   A welcome sight in the age of digital everything, his photographs are taken with various old formats of cameras – 35mm, polaroid, and the like.  I’ve taken a lot of photographs with an old 35mm camera that I love and there’s just no creating the sort of exposure that you can get with a real camera.  A collection of whimsical and everyday photographs mean that there’s something for everyone.

I read about Who Made It on someone’s blog (I can’t remember, sorry) but I was instantly struck by the originality of their products and the clever re-use of a material that we see everyday.  Their jewelry stands are the pinnacle of pretty shabby chic (I could see Anthropologie jumping all over this idea).  Since all of my jewelry ends up finding itself in containers all over the house, this makes clutter look classy.

I’ve been following Modesign since I first signed up for Etsy.  I love the interesting re-use of vintage lace.  The dye jobs are gorgeous and the interesting lace patterns are always paired with beautiful stones.  I think this would be great for someone who liked feminine things with a little bit of spunk.

Atelier BB has recently come to my attention.  I love handmade ceramics, and I love color, and she combines the two oh-so-well.  All sorts of cute little plates and interesting patterns and bright, happy colors.  This would be the ideal accessory for any kitchen (all of my plates and kitchenware is white and wood for a reason).

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