
Posts Tagged ‘humor’

Sorry, the name just had to be capitalized, it’s that exciting.  Meagan and Sasha, the dynamic duo of meagsashaunderbridgeWonder Thunder, were kind  enough to answer some questions for me.  It gets a bit silly, but for me, that just makes it that much better!

1.  What did you have for breakfast this morning?

8 grains. Home brewed yogurt with honey. Coffee.  Blood of the innocent!

2.  What do you find most inspiring about where you live?

Mountains and the ocean.  Flannel.  Nirvana.  No, we mean nature, salmon, and eagles!  Deserts, volcanos, and soft pine forest floors. Combine demolition derbies!

3.  What kind of music are you into lately?

We could go all day on this question!  Tallest Man on Earth, Loney Dear, Dr. Dog, Alela Diane, First Aid Kit, Tom Petty, The Band, Handsome Furs, Paul Simon’s Kodachrome, M83, Animal Collective, Built to Spill, Fleet Foxes, A.A. Bondy, Blue Oyster Cult.

4.  Is etsy/creating your full time business?  If not, what do you do in real life?

No, if only our dreams were real.  Maybe one day.  But our day jobs aren’t too bad.  Sasha works in the art department of Sub Pop.  Meagan makes jewelry for a local designer.  We like what we do.

5.  What’s the story behind your awesome shop name?

This is a hard question.  It just sort of appeared in the brain and stuck.  We like that it rhymes, evokes wonder and unexplainable forces of nature, and we noticed people like to yell it at us as a collective name for two.  WONDER THUNDER!

6.  Was there someone in your life who was a creative inspiration for you?

Our parents!  All four of them have some creative bones.  Sasha’s dad makes screen-printed ceramics and his mom spins, knits, dyes, and weaves.  Meagan’s mom is a metalsmith and her dad builds things like houses and contraptions.  We also had great art teachers in high school which is a rare thing these days.

7.  What else do you make other than art that you’re great at?

Food. Pickles, yogurt, sauerkraut, lacto-fermented vegetables, immmaculate conception of taco salad.  Other than food, fossil and herb research, the pythagorean theorum, stick and rock collecting, tea making, and sinning.

8.  When did you first start creating things?

It’s hard to say really, we’ve always made things, it’s just what happens as we live life.  We could say that it started as kids, but all kids are creative.  We just happened to keep doing it.

9.  What is your creative process like?

Bacteria growth is a good example.  It starts as a little cell and soon enough you’ve got an infection that no known antibiotic can cure.  We started with one idea of a mischievous carrot and before long we had a handful of buck toothed trouble making characters.  We usually draw on napkins while eating to get some ideas.  Once we find something that is funny to both of us we match that image to an item we’ve been wanting to make.

10.  What’s a cool thing that you think everyone should know about?

You can get water stains out of wood floors with tooth paste.  Insomnia and stress can be cured by drinking valerian tea, an herb that smells like old dirty socks.   Pistachios are a poor substitute for cat food.

11.  What’s the craziest thing that’s ever happened to you?

We were born!  Honest!  Thank god for the miracle of life.  Trip on it, like, forever! Or at least until tomorrow. . .

12.  Where’s your dream vacation spot?
A cloud forest.  A tree house.
13.  What’s the last thing you bought online?

25 spools of thread.

14.  In a perfect world without the constraints of reality, what would you be doing?

Floating in space.  Generating psychedelic rainbows out of my laser eyes.  Living a daydream on mars.

15.  Do you make a signature dish?  What is it?

Taco salad with bbq tofu.

16.  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Get a job. Take a shower. Get out of bed.

17.  What’s your most treasured possession?

Our diamond encrusted relationship.  Without it Wonder Thunder would be but a wisp in a cloud!  Also our cat, Fatty.  And lots and lots of handmade things from friends and family.

18.  Do you have any pets?

One baby raptor penguin monkey cat.  Fatty Senior.

19.  What’s your best garage sale find?

A framed photograph of a squirrel eating a piece of pizza.

20.  What are you most passionate about?
Waking up and going to sleep! And our lives!
I have to say, I just love creative people who have a sense of humor, as well as making some pretty rocking stuff.  Thanks so much to Wonder Thunder (the dynamic duo!) for answering my questions!  Until next time…

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We have a winner for my March giveaway!  Congratuations to the winner – I’ve sent an email, so you know who you are!  And thanks to everyone who entered – I will be doing giveaways fairly often so check back soon for more details!

I’ve been working on the inside of a 1972 pickup truck so that’s taking a lot of my time this weekend (I’ll share pictures soon) so instead of posting what I’m doing, I thought I’d post what I’m loving instead.

I think that I’m doing to keel over and die from how much I love Candice Stringham’s photography.  She has been shooting these amazing pictures of beautiful ladies with umbrellas, “flying” all over New York.  She has such a sense of whimsy and a touch of humor, I just can’t keep from going back for more.

Purl Soho might indeed have the best collection of high-end crafty goodness that I have ever seen.  Plus, the online shop is great for people like me who live in a tragically unhip place with no access to the wonder that is their fabric collection.  They have wonderfully hip patterns as well, definitely worth checking out.

Erin Jang’s blog is a great place for graphic design and craft inspiration.   I love her custom wedding ideas, and there’s something that’s wonderfully handmade, yet still professional about her designs.

I’ve been looking at lots of flowers lately, as I’m doing all of the flowers for a friend’s wedding in June.  I stumbled upon Wild at Heart and I love their gallery – full of inspiration.  The flowers are romantic, yet modern, and there’s something about a huge ball of matching flowers that is just so striking.

Sometimes, I get a little down about the world, and I just need to read something funny.  I’m not much of a joke person, and my humor personality seems to be most akin to that of Eddie Izzard.  Which makes it difficult to find things that make me laugh.  Puppet Pie, however, might be the best blog out there for putting a smile on your face.  Words cannot even describe.  You’ll have to see it for yourself.

And because I can never get enough of beatiful photography, I find myself drawn to Bloom, Grow, Love‘s blog.  An amazing photographer, her images are captivating and have a wonderful dream-like quality to them (if only my dreams were this beautiful).  If I’m ever able to create photos this gorgeous, I think I’ll be able to die happy.

That’s all for today.  I’m embarking on a new project taking pictures of people’s pets, and I’m excited to see where it will take me.  There’s all sorts of things that qualify as pets down here – dogs, cats, lizzards, goats.  😉  I’ll be posting photos as soon as I get them!

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